Thursday, October 26, 2006

Toddler Stuck in Claw Machine

I read in the news yesterday that a toddler got stuck in a claw machine because he wanted a stuffed animal. Apparently, the kid realized the goddamn machine was ripping him off and decided to crawl inside and take what he wanted. After awhile he was released from his fluffy Plexiglas prison and left-- empty handed. What the fuck? The little shit displayed intelligence way ahead of his time (learning that arcade machines are the mechanized Mafia, extorting the hard earned quarters from the kids of hard working people, and creepy middle-aged Asians) and he didn't get a prize? I would have got the kid a fuckin prostitute to complement the level of intellect he had shown. I blame the Liberals. Especially the really ugly ones (Hillary Clinton, Rosie O'Donnell, Saddam Hussein).


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